
Dealing with a workers’ compensation claim can be complex, especially when pre-existing conditions are involved. Understanding how these conditions can affect your claim is crucial for ensuring that you receive fair compensation.

This blog explores how pre-existing conditions impact workers’ compensation claims in California and provides guidance on how to navigate these challenges. Contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a legal consultation if you need assistance with your claim.

Understanding Pre-Existing Conditions

A pre-existing condition is any medical issue that an individual had prior to the workplace injury or illness that led to the workers’ compensation claim. These can range from previous injuries to chronic illnesses that might affect recovery or the severity of the new workplace injury.

Types of Pre-Existing Conditions

  • Physical Conditions: Such as previous back injuries, joint problems, or chronic pain.
  • Mental Health Conditions: Including anxiety, depression, or PTSD from non-work-related incidents.
  • Degenerative Diseases: Like arthritis or MS, which can worsen over time independently of workplace factors.

How Pre-Existing Conditions Affect Workers’ Compensation Claims

Pre-existing conditions can complicate the process of filing for workers’ compensation by influencing the determination of benefits and the amount of compensation.

Assessment of Injury Severity

  • Complication in Diagnosis: Distinguishing between symptoms related to the new injury and pre-existing conditions can be challenging.
  • Impact on Disability Ratings: Pre-existing conditions may affect how much the new injury impairs your ability to work, potentially altering the disability rating.

Determination of Benefits

  • Apportionment: Benefits may be reduced if it is determined that part of your disability was caused by a pre-existing condition and not solely by the work-related injury.
  • Medical Treatment: Coverage for treatment that pertains to the pre-existing condition might not be included unless directly exacerbated by the workplace injury.

Navigating Workers’ Compensation Claims with Pre-Existing Conditions

Successfully managing a workers’ compensation claim involving pre-existing conditions requires careful documentation and often legal insight to ensure fair treatment.

Steps to Take

  • Full Disclosure: Honestly report all pre-existing conditions during your medical evaluations to avoid any allegations of fraud.
  • Medical Records: Keep comprehensive records of your medical history and treatments related to both your pre-existing condition and your work-related injury.
  • Consistent Medical Care: Continue treatment for your pre-existing conditions with the same healthcare providers if possible to clearly document any changes due to the workplace injury.

Working with Medical Professionals

  • Clear Communication: Ensure that your doctors understand which conditions were pre-existing and how the work-related injury has impacted your health.
  • Expert Opinions: Sometimes, independent medical evaluations are necessary to clarify the extent to which your work-related injury is distinct from your pre-existing conditions.

Legal Considerations and Rights

Having a pre-existing condition does not disqualify you from receiving workers’ compensation benefits, but it may affect the process and outcome of your claim.

Legal Protections

  • Right to Compensation: You are still entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for any injury or illness that is work-related, even if you have pre-existing conditions.
  • Anti-Discrimination Protections: Employers cannot deny you benefits solely based on having a pre-existing condition.

Seeking Legal Assistance

  • Legal Representation: An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you navigate the complexities of your claim and ensure that you receive fair compensation.

How PLBH Can Help

At PLBH, we specialize in workers’ compensation law and have extensive experience handling cases involving pre-existing conditions. Our skilled attorneys can help you:

  • Understand Your Rights: We explain your legal rights and options.
  • Maximize Your Benefits: Ensuring that you receive the maximum benefits you are entitled to, despite pre-existing conditions.
  • Navigate Appeals: Assist with any necessary appeals or disputes related to your claim.

If you are dealing with a workers’ compensation claim and are concerned about how your pre-existing conditions might affect the outcome, contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for expert legal assistance. We are here to support and guide you through every step of the process.