Get Help from a Vehicle Accidents at Work Attorney in North Hills CA if You Have Suffered an Injury Due a Car Accident While Working
A worker may be subject to a variety of risks, and any injuries they sustain could make them eligible for compensation. A vehicle accidents at work attorney in North Hills CA may be able to assist you if you are injured while driving for your job. We invite you to contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 if you have suffered a vehicle accident injury at your job.
What About Workers’ Compensation Claims? Ask a Vehicle Accidents at Work Attorney in North Hills CA
Workers compensation covers most injuries caused by working conditions. The reason this is often the first choice is that there is no need to prove fault in a workers’ compensation case.
Instead, your vehicle accidents at work attorney in North Hills CA only needs to prove that you were injured in the accident while working. We are standing by to help you with your workers’ compensation claim to ensure everything is done correctly and you get the benefits you deserve.
Another Option Your Vehicle Accidents at Work Attorney in North Hills CA Might Suggest is a Personal Injury Claim
A person who has a valid workers’ compensation claim may also have a valid personal injury claim. This is called a third-party claim. If this sounds confusing, don’t worry – your vehicle accidents at work attorney in North Hills CA can determine what your options are. If there is evidence supporting a third-party claim, you may pursue damages such as pain and suffering, lost wages, or death benefits in the case of wrongful death.
Yes, a Vehicle Accidents at Work Attorney in North Hills CA is Able to Help Undocumented Workers
At PLBH, we are here to help injured workers secure compensation even if they are not legally working in this country. If you were hurt on the job, you may be eligible for medical payments or disability payments depending on the severity of your injury. Your immigration status is unimportant if you need to file a personal injury claim because you were hurt at work.
Reach Out to Learn More During Your Free Legal Consultation
Of course you have questions – these are complicated cases. Fortunately, after over 50 years’ experience with personal injury and workers comp claims, PLBH can answer any question you may have. Do you have further questions or are you ready for a free case evaluation? Contact a vehicle accidents at work attorney in North Hills CA by calling PLBH at (800) 435-7542.